Sex Education
In this world there are 75% of couples that get more children than they desire.
Remaining 25% have to take medical help to conceive. Out of them 15% get pregnancy with medical assisted methods. While 10% remain childless for ever.
Thus every sixth couple is trying for a child while every tenth couple remain childless in spite of all the medical help.
Reproduction is NATURAL process. The problem of infertility should be tackled with NATURAL methods. Most of the married couple
lack knowledge. Thus only scientific knowledge and proper information is sufficient for them to achieve pregnancy.
Acupuncture is very powerful medical
therapy. In last 20 years it is in the news. Acupuncture treatment proved to increase success
rate of IVF procedure. All the medical journals and news channels like BBC are full of reports and news of the success. At the same time medical practitioners and researchers all over the world became aware of the fact that acupuncture can naturally help childless couples to achieve pregnancy.

Dr. Prakash Verekar is visiting professor of acupuncture at the open international university at Colombo Srilanka. He is Doctor of Acupuncture from OIUCM University of Canada. He has International License as per WHO regulations.
Dr. Verekar has helped more than 90 000 patients with sex difficulties and infertility. His success rate is 99.99999 aprox. As there are only 6 cases where he could not
Dr. Prakash Verekar is author of most popular books in marathi. Mulga pahije? Mulgach hoeel and doctor amhala bal have. Both are fastest selling books with more
than 8 editions each.
Dr. Prakash Verekar will guide childless couples to happy parenthood. With natural methods without side effects or reactions.